hi iā€™m Zero ^-^ !!! welcome to my homepage

this is where you can learn everything you could ever hope to know about me (all of my secrets?!?! 0_0 ) feel free to click around and see what you find!

i spend most of my time playing video games like Final Fantasy XIV, watching anime or youtube, hanging out with friends, going online to sites like newgrounds.com or albinoblacksheep.com , or even reading books (except when its for school -.- *shudders* i loathe school )

click on ā€œmy favorite thingsā€ to learn more!

i also like to make my own music

my full username is usually Angelwing Zero, angel.wing_0 or 4ngel.w1ng.0 , drop a note in my guestbook or msg me on any of my socials so we can be friends :D